Search Results for: 16 Pine Ave

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Crossgates Follies The Government Plays Catch-Up By Daniel Van Riper Yerbury Flip-Flops Guilderland Supervisor Jerry Yerbury, who is up for re-election this November, has publically turned against the ravenous Pyramid Corporation and their plan to double the size of Crossgates Maul. Yerbury was quoted in the Daily Gazette as saying on Willow Street Again


The Proposed Albany City Charter: For Better or For Worse   The Proposed Albany City Charter: For Better or For Worse by Rezsin Adams Is the new charter the best the city of Albany can have? Absolutely not. Can we get a better deal? Who knows. Harold Rubin, Albany City Charter Commission Member, gave a 9

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Guilderland Holds Steady History In The Making? By Daniel Van Riper The people have spoken, and the politicians are running to catch up to reality. Nobody with even a shred of self-respect wants to see the evil and rapacious Pyramid Corporation expand Crossgates Mall and possibly eventually plant a mega-casino. The Willow Street Again


Action Alert! Call your Common Council Member- Ask to Vote No on Touhey   Action Alert! Call your Common Council Member – Ask to Vote No on Touhey Charles Touhey is back with his proposal to construct an office complex in the Pine Bush. So far, Save the Pine Bush has sucessfully stopped Mr. Touhey 9

DEC is Derelict its Duty — Not Requiring Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements

by Tom Ellis A growing problem in the capital region and probably elsewhere in New York is that large or gigantic proposed projects, many with potentially enormous environmental impacts, are passing thorough the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) regulatory system without environmental impact statements (EIS) being produced, as required under the State Environmental Quality DEC is Derelict its Duty — Not Requiring Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements

Legislation to Protect Pollinators

by Grace Nichols ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush supports a move by Albany County Legislator Doug Bullock and Save the Pine Bush’s Grace Nichols to introduce to the Legislature a Pollinator-Friendly County Resolution. It would be the first time that the County stood with a class of organisms undergoing rapid extinctions globally. We, at Legislation to Protect Pollinators

Pollinator-Friendly County Resolution to be introduced in the face of alarming flying insect declines

by Grace Nichols Have you noticed in driving through rural New York, that your windshield – which once would have been covered with the remnants of countless insect collisions are now fairly clean? This observation has been made globally and linked to severe declines in insect populations. Insects are a critical part of the ecosystem Pollinator-Friendly County Resolution to be introduced in the face of alarming flying insect declines

SHARE — Sheridan Hollow Alliance for Renewable Energy Forms

ALBANY, NY— Leaders of local community organizations, backed up by environmental organizations throughout the state, released a letter on September 19, 2017; calling on Governor Cuomo and the Department of Environment Conservation (DEC) to undertake a full environmental review, including an Environmental Impact Statement on a 16-megawatt gas-fired power plant proposed in Sheridan Hollow, a SHARE — Sheridan Hollow Alliance for Renewable Energy Forms

Thank you, Peter!

Save the Pine Bush wishes to thank the late Peter Henner, Esq. and his estate for his generous contribution to Save the Pine Bush. Peter filed several lawsuits on behalf of Save the Pine Bush, attended many SPB lasagna dinners and was a friend to many of us. He is much missed.   For more Thank you, Peter!

How Can We Reverse the Tide of Trump’s Plan to Eliminate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency? — Part I

by Hugh Johnson ALBANY. NY: Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Director of New York State’s Region II, and until recently the first visiting Scholar at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, spoke at the Save the Pine Bush vegetarian lasagna dinner at the Westminster Presbyterian Church on June 21. Like many Americans, How Can We Reverse the Tide of Trump’s Plan to Eliminate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency? — Part I

Do We Really Need to “Streamline” the Environmental Protections of SEQRA?

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: “This is an incredible threat to the effectiveness of SEQRA,” said Roger Downs, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Conservation Director, at the May 17 SPB dinner. Roger lectured on the “streamlining” of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) proposed by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) which administers SEQRA. Do We Really Need to “Streamline” the Environmental Protections of SEQRA?

Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Dear Friends & Allies, Please help get your county legislator to say “yes” to the proposed styrofoam ban law. 1. Fill out this online petition even if you’ve completed a paper or online petition before. Go to: Leave a quick comment. These are powerful! 2. CALL your Albany County legislator – the petition will Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Climate Change and Hell and High Water

Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Hell and High Water: New York Responds to Climate Change was title of the talk given by Mark Lowery at the November 16 SPB dinner. Mr. Lowery is a climate policy analyst in the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Office of Climate Change (OCC). He said OCC helps NYS mitigate Climate Change and Hell and High Water

Bad air a problem in the South End

The editorial “Question and answer time,” Sept. 4, regarding a late August state Senate public hearing on PFOA contamination in Rensselaer County said the central issue is “why a village of 3,500 people was drinking contaminated water for more than a year after officials first knew of the problem” and asked “what could have been Bad air a problem in the South End

Peter Henner

NEW SCOTLAND — A man of principle and passion, Peter Henner worked for causes he believed in with the same logic and commitment he used when playing chess. He tackled his legal work as he tackled mountains on climbs with his wife — with a sense of adventure. “He always told everything straight,” said Nancy Peter Henner

Wind Energy

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Julien Bouget of Sun Edison was the speaker at the June 15 SPB dinner. Mr. Bouget has been in the wind business since 1999. He was born in France. He was introduced by Tim Truscott. Tim told me later that Mr. Bouget studied physics in college. Mr. Bouget said Wind Energy

Tour Sustainable Materials Management Facilities

  On August 12, the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center (SU-EFC), in collaboration with the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling (NYSAR³), is sponsoring a special tour highlighting New York State sustainable materials management (SMM) operations including materials recovery facilities, composting facilities, anaerobic digestion systems, reuse centers, and more! At each facility, Tour Sustainable Materials Management Facilities

Ward Stone Speaks

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Saying “I am very happy to be here,” Ward Stone launched into a very interesting and wide-ranging lecture at the December 16th SPB dinner.  Using deadpan humor, he said, “I spent a very environmental evening” last night watching the Republican presidential candidates.  Later he said “These Republican candidates are not good for the Ward Stone Speaks

Don Reeb — The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Retired University at Albany economics professor and McKownville Improvement Association president Don Reeb was the speaker at the November 18 SPB dinner.  Don spoke about SUNY Poly — formerly College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE): The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  Don is 82 years old.  He said the neighborhood contain 900 Don Reeb — The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Neil Gifford Brings Good News

by Lynne Jackson   ALBANY: Neil Gifford, conservation director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission, spoke at the Save the Pine Bush Earth Day dinner on April 22. He brought good news. Neil began by describing “young forest management.” Young forests are dominated by shrubs and saplings, and are often found where old farm Neil Gifford Brings Good News

History Uncovered

Reprinted from Metroland —by Ann Morrow on September 18, 2014 · “The most important thing now is to excavate it,” said John Wolcott, pointing to a map projected on the wall behind him. The longtime historical researcher, archeologist, and cartographer was referring to Fort Nassau, the 1614 fur trading post built by Dutch mariners near History Uncovered

Earth Day Update from NYPIRG and EA

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Laura Haight of NYPIRG and Katherine Nadeau of Environmental Advocates shared the podium at the April 16 SPB dinner.  They discussed the 2014 agenda they are lobbying at the state Capitol and the state energy plan. Laura said the annual statewide Earth Day Lobby Day will be on May 5 Earth Day Update from NYPIRG and EA

Roger Downs: The State of Fracking

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Conservation Director Roger Downs spoke at the October 16 Save the Pine Bush dinner about where Governor Cuomo may be heading with his fracking policies.  Roger said NYS has been in “fracking limbo” since February with no established deadlines as of now.  He said natural gas prices are Roger Downs: The State of Fracking

Local Food Waste Update

by Sheree Cammer, Troy Compost volunteer Easily compostable organic waste is generated at the rate of an estimated 3/4 pound per person per day in the USA, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Crisis or opportunity? It’s up to us. Inter-Municipal Organics Wate Initiative A resolution approving the City of Troy joining the Inter-Municipal Organics Local Food Waste Update

Lyme Disease: A Growing Epidemic

by Tom Ellis   ALBANY, NY: Holly Ahern, an Associate Professor of Microbiology at SUNY Adirondack in Queensbury, was the guest speaker at the August 29 SPB dinner. She discussed Lyme Disease: A Growing Epidemic. Ms. Ahern began saying the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the NYS Health Department (DOH) have a definition Lyme Disease: A Growing Epidemic

Mark Your Calendars!

The Next Save the Pine Bush Dinners will be on the following dates at our new location: Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut Street, Albany. Parking is adjacent to the entrance on the west. January 18, 2012 Wednesday February 15, 2012 Wednesday March 22, 2012 Thursday April 18, 2012 Wednesday May 16, 2012 Wednesday June 20, Mark Your Calendars!

Willow Street Again

Willow Street Again   Drumlin Fields Its Not Over ’til Its Over (There is still time to call your Council Member!) by Lynne Jackson Dramatic events have happened since our last newsletter, when we made an appeal for Save the Pine Bush supporters to contact their Common Council members and ask them to vote “no” Willow Street Again

What’s afoot at the Preserve?!

By Grace Nichols November 2010 was notable in that folks in the community kept contacting us about the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. First it was the neighbors over on Lincoln Ave, wondering why the “forever wild” patch next door was being clearcut, as a new road was being put in connecting Lincoln Ave and Fox What’s afoot at the Preserve?!


16 Year Victory for SPB – Nature Conservancy Buys Land 16 Year Victory for SPB Nature Conservancy Buys Land Feb./Mar. 95 Save the Pine Bush had another big victory in December when the State of New York gave the Nature Conservancy money from the 1994 Environmental Protection Fund to buy 87 acres of prime, beautiful, 7


History Mauled Again – City Did Dirty Deal Selling Historic Site History Mauled Again City Did Dirty Deal Selling Historic Site Feb./Mar. 95 by Lynne Jackson I have been reading this book, The Fifth Discipline in which the author, Peter M. Senge, says that it is often the structure of the situation that makes people 7