Search Results for: Albany Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

A program of controlled burning in the ecologically precarious Pine Bush went off without a hitch this fall, and managers of the preserve are aiming to do more. "We hope they will get bigger," said Stephanie Gebauer, director of the Albany Pine Bush Research and Management. A total of 44 acres of the 1700 acre Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

"Man has disrupted the natural order in the Pine Bush with roads, developments and suppression of fires," said Stephanie Gebauer at the December Save the Pine Bush dinner. Ms. Gebauer, the first director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Research and Management of the Eastern New York Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, went on to Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

  All that sand was left by a glacial lake. The Pine Bush ecosystem sitting on that sand, however, may have been created by Native Americans practicing fire management techniques. At least, that’s what some people believe. One of those people is Dr. Harvey Alexander, professor at the College of St. Rose, who spoke at Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

The Pine Bush is located in the Capital District, between Albany and Schenectady. The boundaries are Fuller Road on the east, Route 5 (Central Avenue) on the North, Route 146 on the west, and Route 20 (Western Avenue) on the South. The Pine Bush is located in three municipalities-Albany, Guilderland and Colonie. The Pine Bush Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

The Pine Bush has played an important historical role in the development of Albany and Schenectady and is enshrined in the literary heritage of the United States. The Song of Hiawatha by William Wadsworth Longfellow is sung by the Indian brave from the Vale of Tawasentha located in the Pine Bush. George Washington wrote of Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Download a PDF of this letter Richard Nicholson, Planner City of Albany, Dept. of Economic Development & Neighborhood Planning 21 Lodge Street Albany, NY 12207 Re: Supplemental ~Draft-Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) Tharaidson Development Company Proposed Residence Inn project City of Albany, Albany County Dear Mr. Nicholson: Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) staff reviewed the SDEIS Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

In the bitter cold, about a dozen people came out to protest the bulldozing of the Avila House site. Though Save the Pine Bush had lost all of its appeals in the courts, we know that we are legally, morally and ethically right. No more construction should be made in the Pine Bush.   Avila Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

For Immediate Release: December 10, 2002 For Further Information: Contact Lynne Jackson at 434-1954 or 366-7324 ALBANY, NY: Save the Pine Bush volunteers demonstrated today over the destruction of the Pine Bush for the building of Avila House. Avila House is proposed to be built in the rare Pine Bush ecosystem. The Pine Bush is Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush has a traveling exhibit. We bring it to fairs, schools, and especially every year to the Albany Tulipfest, held on Saturaday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend in May. If you don’t have a chance to visit our exhibit in person, we have put the pictures and captions in our exhibit Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush Sues Crossgates Mall

ALBANY, NY — Save the Pine Bush and the Alliance for Environmental Renewal filed suit February 2 in the United States District court for the Northern District of New York against Pyramid Crossgates over its violation of its waste water permit for the past three years. Pyramid Crossgates has a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System Save the Pine Bush Sues Crossgates Mall

Save the Pine BushTurns 30

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Save the Pine Bush turned 30 and celebrated with a big party at the First Presbyterian Church. What was served? Lasagna, of course! Over 100 people attended the bash. “Looking Forward, Looking Back 30 Years of Advocacy for the Pine Bush.” The first order of business was the “Looking Forward” part. Save the Pine BushTurns 30

Roman Catholic Diocese Proposes – Senior Housing in the Pine Bush – Karner Blue in Serious Trouble

Roman Catholic Diocese Proposes Senior Housing in the Pine Bush Karner Blue in Serious Trouble It is with great sadness that Save the Pine Bush reports that the Roman Catholic Diocese has proposed Avila House Independent Senior Campus in the Pine Bush. This proposed housing would be located behind the Teresian House on Washington Avenue Roman Catholic Diocese Proposes – Senior Housing in the Pine Bush – Karner Blue in Serious Trouble

SUNYA Destroys Pine Bush for Sprawl

The University at Albany (SUNYA) has decided that building sprawl-type dormitories surrounded by asphalt parking lots is more important than Pine Bush preservation. In July, SUNYA began bull-dozing 29 acres of Pine Bush located on the campus to make-way for thoroughly modern sprawl. Save the Pine Bush is horrified that the University would treat the SUNYA Destroys Pine Bush for Sprawl

Albany Now a Pollinator-Friendly County

by Grace Nichols ALBANY, NY: On May 13, 2019, Save the Pine Bush, Environmental Advocates of New York, Radix, beekeepers, farmers, the League of Women Voters, the Working Family Party, the Upper Hudson Greens, and many other activists, joined Grace Nichols and six county legislators who sponsored the bill, to speak out for a policy Albany Now a Pollinator-Friendly County

Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

by Steve Rider On its website it states that the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission “assure(s) the protection, restoration and management of the natural and cultural resources of the Albany Pine Bush.” However, in reality preservation of cultural resources is given little priority compared to the ecological goals. Original, unspoiled remnants of four historic roads Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

Zero Waste Jazzes Up the City of Albany

The City of Albany is about to hold its first ever Zero Waste Festival! Albany’s Riverfront Jazz Festival is slated to celebrate its 17th anniversary on Saturday, September 8th from 1-9 pm at Jennings Landing. For the first time this festival will bring its attendees more than great music, Hudson River views and evening fireworks – Zero Waste Jazzes Up the City of Albany

Steve Downs Tells the Legal History of Save the Pine Bush at SPB’s 40th Birthday Party —Part 1

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY, NY: Lynne Jackson, a volunteer for Save the Pine Bush, gave a brief introduction and described how SPB started. On the night of February 6, 1978, as the “Blizzard of 78” was pounding the Capital District, a couple dozen brave souls nevertheless ventured to the Albany Public Library to speak out Steve Downs Tells the Legal History of Save the Pine Bush at SPB’s 40th Birthday Party —Part 1

The Wild Bees of the Pine Bush

by Grace Nichols ALBANY, NY: Bees pollinate over 75 % of the world’s plants. The honeybee, A. mellifera is an introduced European honeybee and has been declining since the 1950’s. As of 2007, 29% of beekeepers reported a 75 % loss in their hives due to Colony Collapse Disorder which is thought to be caused The Wild Bees of the Pine Bush

Solid Waste Issues in the City of Albany, the Town of Colonie and the Proposed Changes in the NYS Solid Waste Regulations

by Tom Ellis ALBANY. NY: There is much to report on issues regarding solid wastes. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC or En Con)) DEC held a public hearing in Albany to receive comments on proposed revisions to its Part 360 regulations, DEC is assisting the Town of Colonie with its landfill expansion application,” Solid Waste Issues in the City of Albany, the Town of Colonie and the Proposed Changes in the NYS Solid Waste Regulations

The Future of Solid Waste in Albany

by Lynne Jackson The City of Albany has announced meetings to discuss the future of solid waste in Albany. The landfill in the Pine Bush is finally scheduled to close in 2023. We need to decide what to do with our garbage. When you receive this newsletter, you should still be able to attend one The Future of Solid Waste in Albany

Save the Pine Bush Volunteers Win Victory for Open Records

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: For many years I have watched state agencies abuse our rights as citizens, taxpayers, residents, and interested parties in regulatory proceedings. The NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (ERDA) and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) are particularly guilty of limiting public access to public information. For example, ERDA held Save the Pine Bush Volunteers Win Victory for Open Records

Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

My Name is Roger Downs. I am the Conservation Director for the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter. We are a volunteer led organization of 48,000 members statewide dedicated to protecting NY’s air, water and remaining wild places. We thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony. We will be providing more substantive comments before the May Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

Opinion by Lynne Jackson In 1978, when Save the Pine Bush began suing the City of Albany over proposed developments in the Pine Bush, the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), was not in effect. We could not use SEQRA in court, so, instead our initial lawsuits were over sewers. Fortunately SEQRA took effect soon Initial Public Comments Delivered in Albany on March 31st at the Public Hearing on SEQRA

Save the Pine Bush

by Grace Nichols, July 26, 2009   The survival of the Federally Protected Karner Blue Butterfly in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve is in doubt here in Albany – its numbers have been critically low for at least ten years. This butterfly was first named by Vladimir Nabokov, the famous writer, and became one of Save the Pine Bush

Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Dear Friends & Allies, Please help get your county legislator to say “yes” to the proposed styrofoam ban law. 1. Fill out this online petition even if you’ve completed a paper or online petition before. Go to: Leave a quick comment. These are powerful! 2. CALL your Albany County legislator – the petition will Step up and Advocate for the Styrofoam Ban in Albany County!

Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

by Tim Truscott   There has been plenty of energy pipeline news in the Capital Region of New York during the month of April. Here is some of it: Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline “Suspended” On April 20, Kinder Morgan, the developer for the Northeast Energy Direct (NED) 30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, announced it was Dan McCoy Speaks at Save the Pine Bush

A thorn in the Pine Bush

By TU Editorial Board on December 29, 2015 at 3:30 AM   When the city of Albany in 2009 convinced New York state to let it do one more landfill expansion, it knew the deal: In exchange for a bigger dump, the city would have to fund a substantial restoration of the fragile Pine Bush. A thorn in the Pine Bush

Pine Bush Gets National Status

By Sarah Roberts/For The Daily Gazette ALBANY — The Albany Pine Bush Preserve, a patchwork of 3,200 acres, has been designated a National Natural Landmark, after National Park Service officials determined it to be “an outstanding example of a globally rare ecosystem.” The preserve will join 596 other natural landmarks as prime examples of biological Pine Bush Gets National Status