Lynne Jackson

Pine Bush Loses – Drumlin Fields Approved

Pine Bush Loses – Drumlin Fields Approved  Albany Common Council Votes Against Pine Bush Approves Drumlin Fields Office Complex Ignores Commission and all Rational Thought by Lynne Jackson The Common Council, against the wishes of its constituents, major environmental organizations in Albany, Save the Pine Bush, and the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission, approved the Pine Bush Loses – Drumlin Fields Approved

Garage Sale Sucess!

Percy Schmeiser, a life-long farmer and seed saver from Bruno, Saskatchewan, Canada, and former mayor and member of the provincial legislature, has spent the last five years embroiled in a battle with Monsanto after the its patent-protected Roundup Ready canola contaminated his fields  This 73-year-old has become an international folk hero in the struggle against Garage Sale Sucess!

Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

by Steve Rider On its website it states that the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission “assure(s) the protection, restoration and management of the natural and cultural resources of the Albany Pine Bush.” However, in reality preservation of cultural resources is given little priority compared to the ecological goals. Original, unspoiled remnants of four historic roads Destroying History at The Pine Bush Preserve

Sally’s Recycling Corner

by Sally Cummings GreenDisk is the manufacturer of GreenDisk High Quality Recycled Diskettes and is the world’s leading software recycler. GreenDisk’s Corporate Disposal Program addresses the issues of secure disposal of information assets, wasted storage costs, and the legal liability related to software licenses in a cost-effective, environmentally responsible manner. Personal computer users throw Sally’s Recycling Corner

The Hotel Is Back

ALBANY: Despite Save the Pine Bush’s win in the Appellate Division, Theraldson from North Dakota, may get its approval to build a hotel on occupied Karner Blue habitat in the Pine Bush. Much ink has been spent on this proposed hotel. As this newsletter goes to press, yet another Common Council Planning Committee meeting will The Hotel Is Back

Hotel Eligible for Tax Incentive

ALBANY: Worried about the tax base? Concerned that the City will lose money if we don’t get a hotel in the Pine Bush? Don’t worry, the hotel is eligible for a property tax deduction!!! 485b is a state tax incentive program — a program that promotes sprawl. To be eligible, any business “involved in the Hotel Eligible for Tax Incentive

Neil Gifford Brings Good News

by Lynne Jackson   ALBANY: Neil Gifford, conservation director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission, spoke at the Save the Pine Bush Earth Day dinner on April 22. He brought good news. Neil began by describing “young forest management.” Young forests are dominated by shrubs and saplings, and are often found where old farm Neil Gifford Brings Good News


Save the Pine Bush Victorious! Water Lines Removed!   Save the Pine Bush Victorious! Water Lines Removed!   published Aug/September, 98 Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Articles by Subject  Save the Pine Bush Home Email 9

Researcher: Coyote is Part Wolf

by Stephen Williams, The Daily Gazette It’s one of the great animal kingdom migrations of the last century — the arrival and flourishing of the coyote in the eastern United States. The thick-furred canine and its high-pitched, ethereal yips and howls have become commonplace across the Capital Region over the last 30 years. Even suburbanites Researcher: Coyote is Part Wolf

Returning to flight

CONCORD, N.H. – Two biologists crawled through a field thick with blueberry, black chokeberry, and scrub oak, searching for butterfly eggs the size of pinheads. Suddenly, one of them, Steve Fuller, thrust a hand into the air. “Found one!” he shouted. As his colleague, Heidi Holman, ran to his side, Fuller opened his hand to Returning to flight

Hey, Everyone! Time to Get on the Bus!

Recycling occurs in nature every day. For example, leaves that have fallen to the ground decompose and turn into compost, a nutrient-rich soil which helps plants to grow healthily and strong In addition, the organic material serves as food for bacteria and fungi which serves as food for earthworms which serves as food for beetles Hey, Everyone! Time to Get on the Bus!

Dunn Landfill Truck Traffic Update

by Chris Kielb Rensselaer residents and others are continuing their work fighting the tractor trailer truck traffic passing through residential neighborhoods to and from the Dunn Construction and Demolition landfill. Members of the group Stop Trucks Assaulting Rensselaer (STAR) recently met for a second time with the executive committee of the Hudson-Mohawk chapter of the Dunn Landfill Truck Traffic Update


Let Your Voice Be Heard! – Don’t Let Them Take Land from Preserve! Public Hearings on the Pine Bush Make your voice heard about Pine Bush Preservation! It does make a difference! Wednesday, November 5, 7:00 pm – There will be a hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the YWCA proposal at the 9

Dumping on 10 New Karner Road

Dear Mr. Wemple and members of the Guilderland Conservation Advisory Council, Thank you very much for allowing Karen White and I to attend the site visit for 10 New Karner Road on April 17, 2021. Save the Pine Bush re-iterates that we oppose any construction on the site.  Though the proposed building site has been clear-cut, Dumping on 10 New Karner Road

10 New Karner Road Subdivison

This evening 1/12, the Concept Plan Review for a 2 Lot Minor Subdivision – 10 New Karner Road in the Pine Bush will be under consideration by the Town Planning Board. See the agenda here. You may also provide comment during the meeting by dialing (929) 205-6099, and entering Meeting ID: 870 8196 7894 and 10 New Karner Road Subdivison


snowpeople Welcome to Snow People! We are citizens of the City of Albany who want the city sidewalks to be usable in all weather. After all, we do live in the northeast of New York! Here are some photos of sidewalks taken by Janet Carr in January, 2003. For more information, contact Janet Carr


Veteran Against the War Up  Next–> Veteran Against the War


Devil Eats Developer – Massive Coverup Alleged Devil Eats Developer Massive Coverup Alleged By Daniel Van Riper The endangered Albany Pine Bush Devil, making it’s first reported appearance since last April Fools, has attacked and eaten developer Charlie Touhey, thus dramatically ending his stubborn and irrational plans to destroy Pine Bush acreage at 300 Washington 9

Notice of Intent to Sue

PETER HENNER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW P.O. BOX 326 CLARKSVILLE, NEW YORK 12041-0326 (518) 768-8232 Fax: (518) 768-8235 WEB SITE: * CERTIFIED MAIL – RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUE October 20, 2003 Mr. Mark Wagner, General Manager Pyramid Crossgates Company 120 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12203 Dear Mr. Wagner: Notice of Intent to Sue


Save the Pine Bush Victorious! – Developer Removes Water Lines! Lynne Jackson Lynne Jackson (shown here on the left), knew she was short, but this picture really emphasized the point! On the right is Ken Screvin of Channel 6 News and a reporter from WRGB Radio. Lynne Jackson, secretary to Save the Pine Bush, keeps 9

Save the Pine Bush

In celebration of the centenary of Vladimir Nabokov’s birth, Kurt Johnson and Steve Coats wrote Nabokov’s Blues, about Nabokov’s passion for butterflies and scientific investigations into blue butterflies. Our own Karner Blue butterfly has its own chapter called “Dancing with Fire” in the book. Here is a brief excerpt which describes Nabokov’s feelings for the Save the Pine Bush






IMG_3303.JPG Up  Next–>


The Gates The Gates Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5


Lorenz, Bert, Claire Lorenz, Bert, Claire


The Bat The Bat


The Witch at the Firehouse Up  Next–> The Witch at the Firehouse


Million Worker March Million Worker March Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5  |  Page 6  |  Home Police spake to a vendor Lots of people The corporate flag Cop chats with vendor Cop chats with vendor One counter-protester attended One counter-protester attended One counter-protester attended Danny Glover 4


Moss Island Moss Island Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4


Rally Up  Next–> Rally Save the Riverside club (building on left) and Freihofer bakery (building on right)