Search Results for: Albany St


FORCE Fights Pyramid – Guilderland Citizens Organize   FORCE Fights Pyramid Guilderland Citizens Organize By Daniel Van Riper Citizens and taxpayers of Guilderland, courageously opposed to the rape and ruination of their town by the vicious and sleazy Pyramid Corporation, have chosen a name for themselves and gotten down to the task of organizing. Friends 9

Crossgates Information

Crossgates Information Crossgates Information Finding straightforward information on the community versus Pyramid and their political allies can be difficult, but here’s a rundown: Weekly Publications The best and most informed source on Crossgates is the Altamont Enterprise, which comes out on Thursdays. Most of the other print media follow the Enterprise’s lead in reporting. For Crossgates Information

Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here

Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here Murdered By Pyramid It Could Happen Here By Daniel Van Riper Public officials and neighborhood activists are holding the notorious Pyramid Corporation responsible for the traffic death of a young mother outside Buffalo, NY. Pyramid operates the Walden Galleria Mall in the Buffalo suburb of Cheektowaga, and is Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here

Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve

Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve by Lynne Jackson The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission purchased 34 acres of land on September 24, 1996. Included in this purchase a key parcel that Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve

Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn

Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn by Lynne Jackson Since last spring, Save the Pine Bush volunteers have been attending hearings, reading long EIS’s (Environmental Impact Statements), and speaking out against the proposed Golden Bear Family Golf Indoor and Outdoor Driving Range. This Victory in Colonie! Vinyl Golf Driving Range Proposal Withdrawn

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Guest Article By Jamie and Mary Malcolm While Save the Pine Bush (SPB) is hard at work preserving any remaining Pine Bush in the Town of Guilderland, a series of projects including a new YMCA facility, are threatening to take protected land from Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Oppose Drumlin Fields Office Complex

Oppose Drumlin Fields Office Complex   Oppose Drumlin Fields Office Complex Five Minutes to Help Save the Pine Bush No matter where you live, please, call an Alderman about Drumlin Fields by Lynne Jackson Drumlin Fields is a proposed office complex to be built on both sides of Rapp Road in the Pine Bush. Bordered Oppose Drumlin Fields Office Complex


Save the Pine Bush Forces Developer to Remove Water Lines from Pine Bush Preserve   Save the Pine Bush Forces Developer to Remove Water Lines from Pine Bush Preserve by Lynne Jackson In a victory for the Pine Bush, the developer of a luxury housing sub-division along the border of Guilderland and Albany has been 9

Judge Cobb Grants Injunction

Judge Cobb Grants Injunction Judge Cobb Grants Injunction State Defends Pine Bush ALBANY, NY &emdash; Justice George L. Cobb granted a preliminary injunction January 23 on construction of a six-unit housing subdivision in the Pine Bush in State Supreme Court today. He also granted a request for 60 additional days for the State to respond. Judge Cobb Grants Injunction


Albany Common Council Votes Against Pine Bush Approves Charlie Touhey’s Office Complex  Second Time within 6 Weeks – Albany Common Council Votes Against Pine Bush Approves Charlie Touhey’s Office Complex by Lynne Jackson The Common Council, against the wishes of its constituents, residents, and Save the Pine Bush, approved the re-zoning of 12 acres of 9


Albany Common Council Denies Dunes Residents Chance to be Heard Albany Common Council Denies Dunes Residents Chance to be Heard by Lynne Jackson July 1, 1996, Albany City Hall, was the place where the Common Council refused to listen to 25 or so angry Dunes residents who wanted the opportunity to speak. Charlie Touhey wants 9

Meeting with DEC Officials

by Tom Ellis RENSSELAER, NY: Five residents of Rensselaer and one each from East Greenbush, Menands, and Albany (me) met on September 18 with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) about the Dunn dump in Rensselaer. The DEC official included an assistant commissioner, chief counsel, chief of staff, and regional director. The meeting, held Meeting with DEC Officials

Save the Pine Bush

Resting on a leaf, click on photo to see larger picture. So much controversy over such a tiny butterfly-the Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. A beautiful pale blue, this tiny creature only lives in its adult form for one to two weeks. Named by Vladimir Nabokov (probably better known for his writing than his lepidoptery), Save the Pine Bush

Garage Sale Sucess!

A snow-covered field near Crossgates Mall may become a battleground over the effect of building in the Pine Bush and on that ecologically fragile area’s bellwether symbol, the Karner blue butterfly. Environmentalists are trying to fend off the nation’s largest independent hotel developer, which wants about four acres west of the mall’s movie theaters for Garage Sale Sucess!

Making Good in Their Own Hometown&emdash;EPA Honors Aaron Mair and Farnsworth Middle School

Making Good in Their Own Hometown&emdash;EPA Honors Aaron Mair and Farnsworth Middle School Making Good in Their Own Hometown&emdash;EPA Honors Aaron Mair and Farnsworth Middle School by Rezsin Adams April 18, 2000 was the big day when the Environmental Protection Agency awarded their highest honor, the Environmental Quality Award, to Aaron Mair and Guilderland’s Farnsworth Making Good in Their Own Hometown&emdash;EPA Honors Aaron Mair and Farnsworth Middle School

Save the Pine Bush GIS Class

by Andy Arthur ALBANY: On Saturday, January 21st at 2-4 PM, Save the Pine Bush will be having a class on using the free Quantum GIS program to make maps of the Albany Pine Bush and other public lands at the Delaware Ave Branch of Albany Public Library. GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems, the computer-based method of Save the Pine Bush GIS Class


Besicorp Photosimulations of the Besicorp Project Prepared by T. J. Boyle & Associates, Landscape Architects & Planning Consultants, Burlington, VT., for the Rensselaer County Greens, Troy, NY. Simulations of the Besicorp Project viewed from Island Creek Park, Albany Current View Historic Fort Crailo Neighborhood Current view Project site: Currently BASF Plant; to be demolished Proposed Besicorp

Crossgates Expansion

Name of the project: Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Projects Here is the Draft Environmental Impact Statement website at the Town of Guilderland: Save the Pine Bush’s comments on the DEIS Here are Save the Pine Bush’s comments written by Christopher M. Walker, , Legal Intern appearing pursuant to the Practice Order of Crossgates Expansion

Charette a Charade

By ANNE MILLER, Staff writer Tom Dooley smiled as flames tickled the Pine Bush scrub, a canopy of smoke enveloping the treetops. " We just like to burn things," he joked. But behind the levity — and the goggles and fire helmets — Albany Pine Bush Preserve officials are thrilled to see fire dancing among Charette a Charade

Save the Pine Bush

After the Guilderland Zoning Board of Appeals meeting last August, I spoke with Mike Shanley, the attorney for Crossgates. He said to me that if we just worked together we could really protect the butterfly and the Pine Bush. He blanched when I said the only way to protect the Pine Bush was to stop Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

  Earth Day at the Village of Colonie Village of Colonie: On Earth Day, the Village of Colonie held a public meeting about the proposed landfill expansion. Residents of the Village of Colonie and members of the public were invited to speak about their concerns about the proposed expansion. Save the Pine Bush volunteers attended Save the Pine Bush

Taking Lyme Fight to the Field

by William Engleman CLIFTON PARK: Representatives of three area environmental organizations and Town residents called on the Clifton Park Town Board to save the Karner Blue butterfly populations in the Town’s northeast corner, during the Town Board’s first regular meeting of the year, held on Monday evening January 3, 2005. Eight speakers, including representatives from Taking Lyme Fight to the Field

Land Crunch in the Pine Bush

Land Crunch in the Pine Bush Land Crunch in the Pine Bush by John Wolcott We’d Rather Have Been Wrong Save the Pine Bush knew that unresolved difference between development desires and acquisition wish lists were heading toward a major clash in the Pine Bush. Even so the present situation of 85 "hot spots" has Land Crunch in the Pine Bush


No Credit Given – A Letter From the Commission No Credit Given A Letter From the Commission By Daniel Van Riper In their latest newsletter the Albany Pine Bush Management Commission gives credit for the rehabilitation of the parcel of land off Apollo Drive that used to be a truck parking lot to 3 corporations, 9

In the Shade of a Tree

One of the most beautiful aspects of life in a village is living close with nature, especially in many third world countries, where many villages do not have access to most of today’s technology such as cars, tractors, air conditioners, electricity and TV. That is the kind of village and time I grew up in. In the Shade of a Tree

SHARE Opposes the Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant in Sheridan Hollow

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: A panel that included Albany County legislator Merton Simpson spoke in opposition to the proposed Sheridan Hollow Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant at the October 18 Save the Pine Bush dinner. About 45 attended. Also speaking were engineer Keith Schue and environmental health advocate, Rita Ogburn-McCall. Sandy Steubing moderated the discussion. SHARE Opposes the Microgrid Fossil Fuel Plant in Sheridan Hollow

Clean Air Update

By Tom Ellis ALBANY COUNTY: The Clean Air Coalition of Greater Ravena-Coeyamns held a community forum on February 9 about its continuing efforts to block the Lafarge cement company from burning tires near the Hudson River in Ravena, and directly across Route 9W from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk (RCS) Middle and High Schools. Christine Primomo, a retired Clean Air Update

Looking Forward

by Karina Franke As you know, last year, I started a campaign to get the Karner Blue named State Butterfly. The highlight of the project was being honored at your November 2007 Dinner and speaking to you about my project. That was such a special evening for my family and my teacher, and we’re so Looking Forward

How fares the Karner Blue?

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Neil Gifford, Conservation Director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission shared hopeful news with Save the Pine Bush at the October veggie/vegan lasagna dinner. The Karner Blue butterfly feeds on wild blue lupine. There are two broods a year, the first brood comes out in late May/early June, and the How fares the Karner Blue?

The Solution to the Garbage Problem

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Resa Dimino, Special Assistant in the DEC Commissioner’s Policy Office spoke about Solid Waste Management Planning at the July SPB dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. Resa Dimino is leading the effort to develop a new State Solid Waste Management Plan in New York State. Her talk focused on the planning The Solution to the Garbage Problem