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Carnivores in the Pine

ALBANY: Dr. Roland Kays, Mammalogist with the New York State Museum, explained to a large, appreciative Save the Pine Bush audience, why carnivores are important to ecosystems. Carnivores have a Òtop downÓ effect on ecosystems. For example, wolves eat moose, who eat plants. A change in the number of wolves will affect a change in Carnivores in the Pine

Furry Pine Bush Residents

Furry Pine Bush Residents Furry Pine Bush Residents The butterfly is not the only resident of the Pine Bush. Little furry animals also reside in the Pine Bush. I had no idea how many different types of moles, voles, mice and other tiny creatures there are-or how important they are to the ecosystem of a Furry Pine Bush Residents

Assemblywoman Pat Fahy and Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk After the Election: Doing the Peoples’ Work

by Tom Ellis ALBANY, NY: Newly elected Assemblywoman Pat Fahy and state Senator Cecilia Thaczyk were the featured speakers at the January 16 Save the Pine Bush dinner held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church. Carol Waterman made the introductions. Ms. Tkaczyk had not yet been certified the winner but in her comments, she said she Assemblywoman Pat Fahy and Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk After the Election: Doing the Peoples’ Work

Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB

Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB Guilderland Candidates Night At SPB by Lynne Jackson Candidates for Town Supervisor and Town Board members spoke at the October Save the Pine Bush dinner. Attending were Bill Aylward, Democratic candidate for Town Supervisor; David Bosworth and Cheryl Reul, Democratic candidates for Town Board; and Paul Caputo, Independence Party candidate for Guilderland CandidatesNight At SPB

Neil Breslin Calls For Preservation

Neil Breslin Calls For Preservation Breslin Calls For Preservation Hoblock "Powerless" To Stop Walmart By Daniel Van Riper In the hottest local race of the election season, Neal Breslin, Democratic candidate for State Senate, which includes the Pine Bush and much of the Capital District, squared off with Republican incumbent Michael Hoblock at the Sept. Neil Breslin Calls For Preservation

SPB meets with Bill Aylward

SPB meets with Bill Aylward SPB meets with Bill Aylward by Lynne Jackson Representatives of SPB had the pleasure of meeting with Bill Aylward, Town Supervisor of the Town of Guilderland, in March. Chuck Reilly, Jerry Mueller, John Wolcott, and Lynne Jackson made the expedition to Guilderland to meet with Mr Aylward. We were pleased SPB meets with Bill Aylward

Save the Pine Bush

Karner Blue Butterfly eggs are being cut open and eaten, and still no culprit has been found. The ants, however, have not been ruled out as suspects. Dr. Peter Spoor gave an update on his investigations into the lifestyle and habits of the friendly butterfly at the Sept. 26 dinner at the Unitarian Church. Stunning Save the Pine Bush


Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Begins an Updated Plan for Pine Bush Preservation Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Begins an Updated Plan for Pine Bush Preservation Colonie, NY &emdash; The Town of Colonie Community Center was the site of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission’s Scoping Session Hearing on the Commission’s updated plan for Pine 9

Show Down Over Roundup

Show Down Over Roundup Show Down Over Roundup by John Wolcott Invading black locust trees are crowding out and over shadowing native Pine Bush plants including the blue lupine which is essential to the survival of the Karner Blue. Black locust trees, along with bulldozer happy developers, are one of the many threats to the Show Down Over Roundup

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

Save the Pine Bush Action Alert! Coyotes in the Moonlight Response to the Commission’s Final Implementation Guidelines by Lynne Jackson "It was a cold night in January, snow on the ground, full moon, not a creature moving a muscle," began Jerry Mueller, at the January Lasagna Dinner. He had to get out of the house Save the Pine Bush Action Alert!

New Light on an Old Road – Part II

New Light on an Old Road – Part II New Light on an Old Road – Part II (Continued from March/April 1998 Newsletter) by John Wolcott The new information revealed by this almost destroyed map, about old trails and roads in the Pine Bush is utterly amazing and startling. I had already known that part New Light on an Old Road – Part II

Air Pollution in Albany’s South End

ALBANY, NY: On November 6, I attended a combined NYS DEC and NYS DOH community meeting about a study they did concerning the health of Albany South End residents. About fifty attended at the Albany Housing Authority office on South Pearl Street. The just-completed study looked at hospitalization rates of South End residents compared to Air Pollution in Albany’s South End

Save the Pine Bush

Proposed Hotel in the Pine Bush     Hotel Update: Oral Arguements in the NY Court of Appeals Tuesday, September 15 at 2:00 The Court of Appeals is next door to Albany City Hall. This is an extremely significant case, and could, if we win change who has standing in SEQRA cases. Click here to Save the Pine Bush

Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

ALBANY, NY: Christian Grigoraskos of the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region spoke at the February 19th SPB dinner on the topic of Climate Change: Heading for Extinction (And What to Do About It). Before he began, Lynne Jackson provided an update on the various proposals Crossgates has pending in the Town of Guilderland. Lynne said the Extinction Rebellion Capital Region

Write to the Town of Guilderland Planning Board

Name of the project: Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Projects Email comments to: Kenneth Kovalchik, Town Planner, The Town of Guilderland Planning Board should reject the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed development by Pyramid (Crossgates) to build massive apartment complexes, office space and expansive retail on Rapp Road, the Write to the Town of Guilderland Planning Board


FORCE Fights Pyramid – Guilderland Citizens Organize   FORCE Fights Pyramid Guilderland Citizens Organize By Daniel Van Riper Citizens and taxpayers of Guilderland, courageously opposed to the rape and ruination of their town by the vicious and sleazy Pyramid Corporation, have chosen a name for themselves and gotten down to the task of organizing. Friends 9

Residents Organize!

Residents Organize! Residents Organize! Citizens and taxpayers of Guilderland are forming a resistance which as of this writing has no name yet. Their first organizational meeting is taking place on Aug. 18th at Guilderland Elementary School. For information on how YOU can lend your skills to beating Pyramid at their own game, contact the following Residents Organize!

Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here

Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here Murdered By Pyramid It Could Happen Here By Daniel Van Riper Public officials and neighborhood activists are holding the notorious Pyramid Corporation responsible for the traffic death of a young mother outside Buffalo, NY. Pyramid operates the Walden Galleria Mall in the Buffalo suburb of Cheektowaga, and is Murdered By Pyramid: It Could Happen Here

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland? Guest Article By Jamie and Mary Malcolm While Save the Pine Bush (SPB) is hard at work preserving any remaining Pine Bush in the Town of Guilderland, a series of projects including a new YMCA facility, are threatening to take protected land from Is There a ‘Y’ in Guilderland?

Judge Cobb Grants Injunction

Judge Cobb Grants Injunction Judge Cobb Grants Injunction State Defends Pine Bush ALBANY, NY &emdash; Justice George L. Cobb granted a preliminary injunction January 23 on construction of a six-unit housing subdivision in the Pine Bush in State Supreme Court today. He also granted a request for 60 additional days for the State to respond. Judge Cobb Grants Injunction

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Upscale Tammybrook, a newish Cresskill, NJ., neighborhood, offers a pleasing glimpse of modern suburban living: imposing million-dollar homes, designer landscaping, sweeping vistas across northern New Jersey. What it fails to offer resident John McCann is a sidewalk to anywhere. So instead of hoofing it, the Cresskill councilman drives the 1.1 miles to the post office. Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

UAlbany Plan Adds to Spraw

The word that springs to mind for the University at Albany’s greasy plan to level 25 acres of classic pine bush on campus in order to build its own version of suburban sprawl isn’t printable. So I’ll settle for a distant second choice: pandering. “We’re told garden apartments are what today’s students want,” said a UAlbany Plan Adds to Spraw

Save the Pine Bush

Resting on a leaf, click on photo to see larger picture. So much controversy over such a tiny butterfly-the Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. A beautiful pale blue, this tiny creature only lives in its adult form for one to two weeks. Named by Vladimir Nabokov (probably better known for his writing than his lepidoptery), Save the Pine Bush

Garage Sale Sucess!

A snow-covered field near Crossgates Mall may become a battleground over the effect of building in the Pine Bush and on that ecologically fragile area’s bellwether symbol, the Karner blue butterfly. Environmentalists are trying to fend off the nation’s largest independent hotel developer, which wants about four acres west of the mall’s movie theaters for Garage Sale Sucess!


Besicorp Photosimulations of the Besicorp Project Prepared by T. J. Boyle & Associates, Landscape Architects & Planning Consultants, Burlington, VT., for the Rensselaer County Greens, Troy, NY. Simulations of the Besicorp Project viewed from Island Creek Park, Albany Current View Historic Fort Crailo Neighborhood Current view Project site: Currently BASF Plant; to be demolished Proposed Besicorp

Save the Pine Bush

After the Guilderland Zoning Board of Appeals meeting last August, I spoke with Mike Shanley, the attorney for Crossgates. He said to me that if we just worked together we could really protect the butterfly and the Pine Bush. He blanched when I said the only way to protect the Pine Bush was to stop Save the Pine Bush


New York City – September 11, 2006 New York City – September 11, 2006 Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4 IMG_4875.JPG The Lies Will Not Stand The Lies Will Not Stand A Participant Osama Bin Bush Veterns for 9/11 Truth Face the Facts Remember Why did firefighters report bombs going 4

Land Crunch in the Pine Bush

Land Crunch in the Pine Bush Land Crunch in the Pine Bush by John Wolcott We’d Rather Have Been Wrong Save the Pine Bush knew that unresolved difference between development desires and acquisition wish lists were heading toward a major clash in the Pine Bush. Even so the present situation of 85 "hot spots" has Land Crunch in the Pine Bush


No Credit Given – A Letter From the Commission No Credit Given A Letter From the Commission By Daniel Van Riper In their latest newsletter the Albany Pine Bush Management Commission gives credit for the rehabilitation of the parcel of land off Apollo Drive that used to be a truck parking lot to 3 corporations, 9

Clean Air Update

By Tom Ellis ALBANY COUNTY: The Clean Air Coalition of Greater Ravena-Coeyamns held a community forum on February 9 about its continuing efforts to block the Lafarge cement company from burning tires near the Hudson River in Ravena, and directly across Route 9W from the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk (RCS) Middle and High Schools. Christine Primomo, a retired Clean Air Update

How fares the Karner Blue?

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Neil Gifford, Conservation Director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission shared hopeful news with Save the Pine Bush at the October veggie/vegan lasagna dinner. The Karner Blue butterfly feeds on wild blue lupine. There are two broods a year, the first brood comes out in late May/early June, and the How fares the Karner Blue?

How fares the Karner Blue?

by Lynne Jackson The first part of this series was printed in the February/March, 2005 newsletter and is a summary of a presentation given by Neil Gifford at the October, 2004 SPB lasagna dinner. The Karner Blue Butterfly Federal Recovery Plan has three priorities. In New York State, scientists are focussing on priority one, which How fares the Karner Blue?


Historic Action 02-01-07 Historic Action, February 1, 2007 Historic Action Network sponsored a walk from the Riverside Club and Freihofer Building in Lansingburg, across the 112th Street bridge to Waterford to show the connection between these beautiful historic buildings and the Hudson River. More than 30 people participated. Historic Action Network believes these buildings should 4

Montreal Eco-tourism

Montreal Eco-tourism Montreal Eco-tourism by Gregg Bell Editor’s Note: Gregg Bell is a founder of Save the Pine Bush, who is now on the Planning Board of Ithaca, NY. In addition to all of the great cultural, eating, shopping, architectural and general joie de vivre reasons to visit Montréal, there is another – the environment. Montreal Eco-tourism

Man charged in bird-killing Albany

DINA CAPPIELLO Staff writer State Route 155 — a k a New Karner Road — may not be as aptly named as you might think. The four-mile-long thoroughfare — which cuts through the heart of the 2,700-plus-acre Pine Bush Preserve — disrupts the movement of Karner blue butterflies crossing the road to mate with others, Man charged in bird-killing Albany

Albany Pine Bush Sketches

Come to this art exhibit of beautiful oil paintings of the Pine Bush by Bob Collin. The Local Color Art Gallery is located at 961 Troy-Schenectady Road (Route 7, across from Peter Harris Plaza) in Latham. Open Wednesday through Saturday, 10-6 and Sundays 10-5. Call 786-6557 for more information. The proceeds from the sale of Albany Pine Bush Sketches