Search Results for: 15 Pine Ave

Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve

Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve by Lynne Jackson The Albany Pine Bush Management Commission purchased 34 acres of land on September 24, 1996. Included in this purchase a key parcel that Save the Pine Bush Enjoys Another Victory – Adventure Park Parcel Added to the Preserve

Save the Pine Bush

Resting on a leaf, click on photo to see larger picture. So much controversy over such a tiny butterfly-the Karner Blue, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. A beautiful pale blue, this tiny creature only lives in its adult form for one to two weeks. Named by Vladimir Nabokov (probably better known for his writing than his lepidoptery), Save the Pine Bush

Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush

Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush   Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush by Alan Gilda It had always been a dream of mine; an encounter with a wild bear–approached with some trepidation I’ll admit. Many opportunities had existed. Trips to the Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone, and Adirondack Mountains had yielded tantalizing clues of Black Bear Encounter in the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

  Earth Day at the Village of Colonie Village of Colonie: On Earth Day, the Village of Colonie held a public meeting about the proposed landfill expansion. Residents of the Village of Colonie and members of the public were invited to speak about their concerns about the proposed expansion. Save the Pine Bush volunteers attended Save the Pine Bush

Land Crunch in the Pine Bush

Land Crunch in the Pine Bush Land Crunch in the Pine Bush by John Wolcott We’d Rather Have Been Wrong Save the Pine Bush knew that unresolved difference between development desires and acquisition wish lists were heading toward a major clash in the Pine Bush. Even so the present situation of 85 "hot spots" has Land Crunch in the Pine Bush

How Well is the Pine Bush Doing?

How Well is the Pine Bush Doing?   How Well is the Pine Bush Doing? by Rezsin Adams How well is the Pine Bush doing? One measure is looking at how well the rare species are doing. The answer is not too well, according to a report issued by the Department of Environmental Conservation on How Well is the Pine Bush Doing?

Save the Pine Bush Volunteer Meetings

Save the Pine Bush Volunteer Meetings Volunteer Nights Activities for Volunteers Volunteer Nights are usually every Thursday except the week of the Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Next Volunteer Night:s March 16 and March 30; April 6 and 13. Most Thursday evenings, except Dinner week. Email Lynne Jackson for details and directions.   Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Save the Pine Bush Volunteer Meetings

Save the Pine Bush News Articles

The Pine Bush is news. Here is a selection of recent articles that have been published in the papers about the Pine Bush Tiny threat looms large this spring, printed in the Times Union on Saturday, June 7, 2003 Pine Bush bridge work to defer to rare butterfly, printed in the Daily Gazette on Tuesday, Save the Pine Bush News Articles

Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission is mandated by law to revise its Management Plan every five years. The last revision to the Management Plan were the Implementation Guidelines, adopted by the Commission in 1996. The Commission will hold a public hearing on its Draft Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Albany Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Proposes a New Plan – Mark October 18 to Attend Hearing

Save the Pine Bush

by Tim Truscott   ALBANY: We enjoyed two presentations after the July 15 Save the Pine Bush dinner. The first presentation was by Jeff Heath of Stearns & Wheler Consulting Engineers, which is headquartered in Cazenovia, NY. Jeff’s presentation was on the Delaware County Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) composting facility, located near Walton, NY. Delaware Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

Vote Primary Day – Tuesday, September 15, Noon to 9:00 pm   ALBANY: Six candidates for Albany City-wide races came to speak at the August Save the Pine Bush dinner. Four city-wide seats are up this year (as well as the entire Common Council). Running for Mayor – Corey Ellis; for treasurer – Kathy Sheehan; Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush

by John Wolcott The next piece in the puzzle of “Where is Trader’s Hill?” is an amazing very old parchment map in the Albany City Engineer’s collection. It is the only map known to show Margriets Bergh, and was drawn in January 1773 by Jeremiah Van Rensselaer from a survey done by himself in 1772. Save the Pine Bush

News from Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

Members of the public are invited to provide written comments towards the process of reviewing and/or amending the 2002 Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. Comments can address all aspects of the Commission’s work including land protection, habitat or natural resource management, public education and recreation. Comments are News from Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

Save the Pine Bush Barred from Court

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: John Waffenschmidt, Vice-President & Business Development, Covanta Energy spoke at the Save the Pine Bush vegetarian-vegan lasagna dinner about Global Warming, Energy Use & Solid Waste Management at the First Presbyterian Church. He began by speaking about global warming. There is no question the globe is warming up. Effects of this Save the Pine Bush Barred from Court

Save the Pine Bush is 25!

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY: Save the Pine Bush celebrated its 25th birthday at the February vegetarian lasagna dinner at the First Presbyterian Church. The dinner began by members telling stories about the early years. Save the Pine Bush was born in the middle of a snow storm on February 6, 1978. It snowed that day. Save the Pine Bush is 25!

Invasive Species in the Pine Bush

by Lynne Jackson ALBANY, NY: The September Save the Pine Bush dinner at the First Presbyterian Church was the setting for a presentation on alien and invasive by Steve Rice, PhD. of Union college. Dr. Rice began by talking about the early efforts to bring fire back into the Pine Bush ecosystem. The thought was Invasive Species in the Pine Bush

The Pine Bush and Bombs

It is estimated that a war in Iraq would cost at least $100 billion. War in Iraq would cause tremendous human suffering, as well as take resources away from programs at home, such as buying land for preservation. A peaceful solution to the problems in Iraq is in everyone’s interest. “Beware the leader who bangs The Pine Bush and Bombs

Save the Pine Bush

  All that sand was left by a glacial lake. The Pine Bush ecosystem sitting on that sand, however, may have been created by Native Americans practicing fire management techniques. At least, that’s what some people believe. One of those people is Dr. Harvey Alexander, professor at the College of St. Rose, who spoke at Save the Pine Bush

Pine Bush in the Mist

Pine Bush in the Mist Pine Bush in the Mist Photo by Doug Morse Previous Next Back to Exhibit Index Vegetarian Lasagna Dinner Pine Bush Hike Current Newsletter About Save the Pine Bush Virtual Photo Exhibit  Action Alerts Volunteer Nights Articles in Date Order Links Articles by Subject  Save the Pine Bush Home Email Save Pine Bush in the Mist

Save the Pine Bush

Save the Pine Bush has a traveling exhibit. We bring it to fairs, schools, and especially every year to the Albany Tulipfest, held on Saturaday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend in May. If you don’t have a chance to visit our exhibit in person, we have put the pictures and captions in our exhibit Save the Pine Bush